Issue with evaluation license

We wish to update Arm Development Studio. We are using developmentstudio-2019.0-1 and have purchased licence. 

We need to evaluate developmentstudio-2023.1. 
Evaluation Version.
Arm Development Studio 2023.1 for Linux 64-bit
Name: DS000-BN-00001-r23p1-00rel1
Filename: DS000-BN-00001-r23p1-00rel1.tgz
MD5: 5f77f9b138618e9276acf413a0ace901

We will purchase license when evaluation is successful. We wii also consider the FuSa variant.

We get the following error message:

armclang: error: Failed to check out a license.
The provided license does not enable these tools.
Information about this error is available at
General licensing information is available at
If you need further help, provide this complete error message to your supplier or to Arm via
- ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE: '/home/shenj23/.arm/ds/licenses/DS000-EV-31030.lic'
- LM_LICENSE_FILE: '/home/shenj23/.arm/ds/licenses/DS000-EV-31030.lic'
- ARM_PRODUCT_PATH: '/opt/arm/developmentstudio-2023.1/sw/mappings'
- ARM_TOOL_VARIANT: 'bronze'
- Product location: /opt/arm/developmentstudio-2023.1/sw/mappings
- Toolchain location: /opt/arm/developmentstudio-2023.1/sw/ARMCompiler6.21/bin
- Selected tool variant: bronze
- Checkout feature: ds_suite_hazel
- Feature version: 0.0202310
- Flex error code: -5
Product: Arm Development Studio Bronze Edition 2023.1
Component: Arm Compiler for Embedded 6.21
Tool: armclang [5ec1f900]

How to can we setup the evaluation license and environment variables for this purpose?
Thank you.