[申请mbed开发套件] 现行能用较短时间于 IoT 上以简易方式架构出来更方便及有效率的应用,这 ARM mbed 即是。

1. 基于现行多以行动装置为个人控制端,再配合云端伺服器等的连结,最终会将应用于物连网终端系统的操控,进而带领整个人类对于各面向领域有着更方便及有效率的应用管理,这即是 IoT 的精神所在。

2. 用户名: xyz543

1. Based on the current multi-mobile device for the personal control side, coupled with the cloud server and other links, will eventually be used in the control of the network system, and then lead the whole human for the field-oriented has a more convenient and efficient Application management, which is the spirit of IoT.

2. My User Name: xyz543