Embedded ARMv8 dev board

I'm an arduino guy looking for more power and I'd like to start using the high performance ARM chips such as the A57 and soon the A75, but I'm having an impossible time finding dev boards for anything other than some older ARM chips (I think the highest I've seen is the A9). On this blog (http://telmomoya.blogspot.com.ar/2016/06/c64-software-cored.html) the guy manages to simulate an old 6502 emulator using an arm on a dev board and replace the actual chip with his ARM 6502 emulator and wire the pins as needed but it's an old ARM Cortex M3 LPC1769. What I'm looking for is an A57 equivalent of this board he's using. Is there nothing out there for someone like me in the embedded community looking to harness the power of the more recent ARMv8 chips?

This link to the ARM embedded webpage (https://www.arm.com/support/university/students/embedded/embedded-systemsmcus-development-boards-for-students.php) doesn't list any of the high powered ghz level chips, only some old Mx based chips. What's going on?

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