2023Aug 23
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Arm Education
4.06K subscribers
VLSI to System design: Silicon-to-end application approach
Next:EDA Tools for physical design and verification
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Inauguration Representatives from AICTE, STMicroelectronics, Arm, Cadence Nidhi Sehgal Kaul
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SoC Design and Architecture Pushkar Sareen,Pratik Bhattacherjee and Prasanth Pulla
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VLSI Introduction Idea to product flow Mukesh Chopra and Ashish Kumar Sharma
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IP Parameterization Options and Selection Sahana Devaiah Barike
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VLSI Verification Introduction to deep concepts Abhinav Gaur and Mansi Chadha
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VLSI workshop on System Validation Parivesh Chandra Gupta and Vikash Chandra
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VLSI Design for Test Akhil Garg and Vamsikrishna Dabbara
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Embedded Systems New innovations in MCU peripherals Sridhar Ethiraj
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New features and Innovations in Debugging tools Krishan Solanki
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Silicon for Embedded Systems An overview Desikan Srinivasan
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STM32CubeIDE Easy to use Tools for getting into Embedded Systems Shubham Boharapi
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Real Life Use case A Practical approach to Digital power conversion applications like EV, Battery Ch
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Real Life use cases Factory automation and Motor control solutions NabarunDasgupta
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