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abbreviation dictionary

I told you that I have a lot of difficulties to read documentation and comments because english is not my natural language and there are too much abbreviations.

I began to build a dictionary in an XLS document. I hope you will be able to see it.

I hope that XLS is 'strong enough' to contain all the abbreviations. Otherwise, I'll build a Postgre Database ;-)STM32_sigles_references.xls

  • XLS is probably not a great choice - due to risk of viruses, etc.

    A simple text document should be sufficient?

  • and what about CSV ? But there is a drawback : CSV files are not allowed to be inserted in a post on this forum.

    "EWARM","IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm IAR Systems",
    "MDK-ARM","Microcontroller Development Kit for Arm KEIL (",
    "ST-LINK V2",,
    "SW4STM32","System Workbench for STM32 AC6",
    "UM1718","USER MANUAL
    STM32CubeMX for STM32 configuration and initialization C code generation",
    "UM1891","USER MANUAL
    Getting started with STM32CubeF7 MCU  Package for STM32F7 Series",
    "UM2052","USER MANUAL
    Getting started with STM32 MCU Discovery Kits and software development tools",
    "UM2237","STM32CubeProgrammer User Interface (en.DM00403500.pdf",
    "UM2470","USER MANUAL
    Discovery kit for STM32F7 Series with STM32F750N8 MCU",
    "Sigle / abbreviation","meaning","signification"
    "ARM","registered trademark","marque d�pos�e"
    "BLE","Bluetooth Low Energy",
    "BSP","Board Support Package",
    "CLI","Command Line Interface",
    "CMSIS","Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard",
    "DCMI","Digital CaMera Interface",
    "DK","Development Kit",
    "DMA","Direct Memory Access",
    "EEPROM","Erasable Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory",
    "FATFS","FAT File System Firmware",
    "FCC","Federal Communications Commission",
    "HAL","Hardware Abstraction Layer",
    "HDMI_CEC","High Definition Multimedia Interface Consumer Electronics Control",
    "I/O","Input / output","Entr�e / Sortie"
    "I2C /  IIC","Inter-Integrated Circuit","liaison s�rie synchrone sur 2 fils + masse"
    "I2S","Inter-Ic Sound",
    "IDE","Integrated Development Environment","Environnement de d�velopment int�gr�"
    "IP","Internet Protocol",
    "IRTIM","InfraRed Interface",
    "ISR","Interrupt Service Routine",
    "Kb","KiloByte (1024 bytes)","Kilobit"
    "LCD","Liquid Crystal Display","Ecran � Cristaux liquides"
    "LL","Low Layer",
    "LTDC","LCD-TFT Controller",
    "MCU","Microcontroller unit","Microcontr�leur"
    "NVIC","Nested Vector Interrupt Controller",
    "OTA","Over The Air (bluetooth, �)",
    "OTG","On The Go",
    "OTG FS","On The GO Full Speed",
    "OTG HS","On The Go High Speed",
    "PC","Personal Computer",
    "PFP","Private function prototypes",
    "RCC","Reset and Clock Controler",
    "RTC","Real Time Clock",
    "SAI","Serial Audio Interface",
    "SPDIF","Sony Philips Digital Interface Receiver",
    "SWV","Serial Wire Viewer (affiche les printf)",
    "USB","Universal Serial Bus",

  • This forum isn't the place to maintain such a document.

    Again, why not just a plain, simple text file?

    New Text Document.txt
    "EWARM"		"IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm IAR Systems",
    "MDK-ARM"	"Microcontroller Development Kit for Arm KEIL (",
    "ST-LINK V2"
    "SW4STM32"	"System Workbench for STM32 AC6",
    "TrueStudio"	"ATOLLIC",
    "UM1718"	"USER MANUAL STM32CubeMX for STM32 configuration and initialization C code generation",
    "UM1891"	"USER MANUAL Getting started with STM32CubeF7 MCU  Package for STM32F7 Series",
    "UM2052"	"USER MANUAL Getting started with STM32 MCU Discovery Kits and software development tools",
    "UM2237"	"STM32CubeProgrammer User Interface (en.DM00403500.pdf",
    "UM2470"	"USER MANUAL Discovery kit for STM32F7 Series with STM32F750N8 MCU",

    None of this really has anything to do with Keil.