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Aduc 814 SPI with python

Hello, I now the ADUC 814 is very old, but if there are still people here to help me with SPI communication.

I will try to explain as much as possible with all details.

Firstly my block schematic :

Master : UM232H (python code)

Slave : Aduc 814 (c code, using uVision)

My python code is using pyftdi

This is my python code : 

import sys
from pyftdi.spi import SpiController

spi = SpiController(cs_count=1)
slave = spi.get_port(cs=0, freq=1000000, mode=3) # 0 = half duplex // 3 = full duplex
write_buf = b'\x00\x03\x04'
read_buf =, duplex=True).tobytes()
print("write buf ¦{}¦  \nread buf  ¦{}¦".format(write_buf, read_buf))

This is my c code (I had to change to .txt to upload it) : 

#include <ADUC814.H>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <GLOBAL.H>
#include <FUNCTION.H>

/* SPI port interrupt service routine */
void spi_int () interrupt 7{
	recieved_byte = SPIDAT; // clear by reading 
	sent_byte = recieved_byte + 1;
	SPIDAT = sent_byte;

unsigned char enable_interrupts()
	EA = 1;                       // Enable General interrupts
	IEIP2 = 0x11;                 // Enable SPI interrupt with high priority
	return 0;

unsigned char init()
	/* Select core clock */
	PLLCON  = 0x04;         //16.77216 MHz (0x01 = 8.388608 MHz   | 0x03 = 2.0971 MHz)
	/* Configure SPI */
	SPICON = 0x28; 					// CPHA=0, CPOL=1, Slave			
	CFG814 = 0x01; 					// Enable SPI interface
	return 0;

//MAIN C function
void main (void)
	unsigned char chan_2_convert;
	// Initialize
	while (1)

And this is what I have on the oscilloscope:

And what I have on my python console :

write buf ¦b'\x00\x03\x04'¦
read buf ¦b'\x01\x00\x00'¦

Process returned 0 (0x0) execution time : 0.307 s
Press any key to continue . . .

So my problem is that I should have, or at least want to have is my code is wrong, the MOSI incremented by 1 on the MISO signal, and here there is only the first byte which is incremented.

And another things which is wrong is I have to run the python program 2 times before seeing the incremented signal, the first time he return all 0x00, and the second it return 0x00 +1

Clock form the python (Master) 2MHz, clock for the slave (C code) set to 1MHz, I tried to change both Slave and Master clock and either Master 2 or 4 time more or less than the slave but alwas the same behavior.

Someone knows what to do ?