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Function pointer using absolute address in Keil MDK


I try to call a function by function pointer with absolute address, but not working. I am using Keil MDK v5.21, the function will be placed in particular memory by using the scatter file and compiler keyword such as __attribute__((section("name"))).

For Example, the function OrangeLed(void); will be placed in 0x08000400 and rest of the code will placed from 0x08000000 to 0x08000100. Now i am calling the OrangeLed() from main as shown below,


typedef  void (*pFunction1)(void);
pFunction1 Jump_To_Led;
uint32_t JumpAddress;
void main(){
JumpAddress = *(volatile uint32_t*)0x08000400;/*Absolute address of OrangeLed()*/
Jump_To_Led= (pFunction1) JumpAddress;
Jump_To_Led();/*calling the OrangeLed()*/

Trial2 by referring

typedef  void (*pFunction1)(void);
typedef  void (*pFunType)(void);
void main(){
pFunType pFunction1 = (pFunType)0x08000400;/*Absolute address of OrangeLed()*/
(*pFunction1)();/*calling the OrangeLed()*/

Other detail:
C Compiler: Armcc.exe V5.06
Linker/Locator: ArmLink.exe V5.06
Target: STM32F072RB

In, both of the trials, it's not working. Can anybody help how to do this.
