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Understand OS_ERR_FIFO_OVF ?


sometimes my program crashes and I do not know why. I have a error "OS_ERR_FIFO_OVF".
I read the information Keil :
I followed the advice but nothing happens.
I use a lot of interruptions in my program.

I'd like to know what interruptions are in the buffer "os_fifo[]" when my programm craches. It would give me a direction to look.

someone is how it works?


  • Its obvious to get os_err_fifo_ovf if you are doing debugging and stop at some breakpoint, while the other off-chip system peripherals are running (eg: a peripheral is sending a string on uart, will generate too many uart_rx interrupts). you just prevent such an situation only by disabling the breakpoint.

    if above is not the case then, just check if you have any interrupt that consumes too much of processing time. minimize the processing in the interrupt as much as possible.

    few techniques to minimize the processing & hence the processing time in the interrupt are

    1. using signals (or events as known in keil rtos)
    when an interrupt occurs, generate an event.
    a dedicated task awaits the occurrence of event.

    void TIMER2_IRQHandler(void)
            TIM_ClearIntPending(LPC_TIM2, TIM_MR0_INT);
                    isr_evt_set(EVENT_1, TID_Task1);
                    isr_evt_set(EVENT_2, TID_Task1);
    __task void TASK_Task1(void)
            uint16_t rx_event=0;
                    os_evt_wait_or(CHECK_EVENT_FLAGS, INFINITE_TIME);       //Wait for an Event to occur
                    rx_event = os_evt_get();
                            case EVENT_1:
                                    //... process data
                            case EVENT_2:
                                    //... store data or whatever

    2. using mailbox (mailbox can be preferred for communication interrupts like uart_rx interrupts)

    void DISPLAY_PORT_IRQHandler(void)
            static uint8_t crflg = 0;
            static uint16_t cnt=1;
            uint32_t intsrc, tmp, tmp1, txdata, rxdata;
            intsrc = (UART_GetIntId(DISPLAY_PORT_UART) & 0x03CF);       /* Determine the interrupt source */
            tmp = intsrc & UART_IIR_INTID_MASK;
            if (tmp == UART_IIR_INTID_RLS)          // Receive Line Status
                    tmp1 = UART_GetLineStatus(DISPLAY_PORT_UART);   // Check line status
                    tmp1 &= (UART_LSR_OE | UART_LSR_PE | UART_LSR_FE | UART_LSR_BI | UART_LSR_RXFE);    // Mask out the Receive Ready and Transmit Holding empty status
                    if (tmp1)
                            // If any error exist
            if ((tmp == UART_IIR_INTID_RDA))        // Receive Data Available or Character time-out
                    rxdata = UART_ReceiveByte(DISPLAY_PORT_UART) | 0x100;   // Really COOL concept. Check READ ME!! - Section: Reference Files - Using Mail Box.
                    if (isr_mbx_check (&MailDisplay) != 0)
                            isr_mbx_send(&MailDisplay, (void *)rxdata);
            if (tmp == UART_IIR_INTID_THRE)         // Transmit Holding Empty
                    txdata = *(DISPLAY_PORT_TXBUF+cnt);
                    UART_SendByte(DISPLAY_PORT_UART, txdata);
    __task void TASK_RxComPort(void)
            uint8_t sofflg=0, crflg=0;
            uint8_t rxlrc=0;
            uint16_t bufcntr=0;
            uint32_t data=0;
            void *prx;
                    os_mbx_wait(&MailComPort, &prx, 0xFFFF);
                    data = (uint32_t)prx & 0x00FF;
                    //... Process received data

  • Its obvious to get os_err_fifo_ovf if you are doing debugging and stop at some breakpoint, while the other off-chip system peripherals are running (eg: a peripheral is sending a string on uart, will generate too many uart_rx interrupts). you just prevent such an situation only by disabling the breakpoint.

    if above is not the case then, just check if you have any interrupt that consumes too much of processing time. minimize the processing in the interrupt as much as possible.

    few techniques to minimize the processing & hence the processing time in the interrupt are

    1. using signals (or events as known in keil rtos)
    when an interrupt occurs, generate an event.
    a dedicated task awaits the occurrence of event.

    void TIMER2_IRQHandler(void)
            TIM_ClearIntPending(LPC_TIM2, TIM_MR0_INT);
                    isr_evt_set(EVENT_1, TID_Task1);
                    isr_evt_set(EVENT_2, TID_Task1);
    __task void TASK_Task1(void)
            uint16_t rx_event=0;
                    os_evt_wait_or(CHECK_EVENT_FLAGS, INFINITE_TIME);       //Wait for an Event to occur
                    rx_event = os_evt_get();
                            case EVENT_1:
                                    //... process data
                            case EVENT_2:
                                    //... store data or whatever

    2. using mailbox (mailbox can be preferred for communication interrupts like uart_rx interrupts)

    void DISPLAY_PORT_IRQHandler(void)
            static uint8_t crflg = 0;
            static uint16_t cnt=1;
            uint32_t intsrc, tmp, tmp1, txdata, rxdata;
            intsrc = (UART_GetIntId(DISPLAY_PORT_UART) & 0x03CF);       /* Determine the interrupt source */
            tmp = intsrc & UART_IIR_INTID_MASK;
            if (tmp == UART_IIR_INTID_RLS)          // Receive Line Status
                    tmp1 = UART_GetLineStatus(DISPLAY_PORT_UART);   // Check line status
                    tmp1 &= (UART_LSR_OE | UART_LSR_PE | UART_LSR_FE | UART_LSR_BI | UART_LSR_RXFE);    // Mask out the Receive Ready and Transmit Holding empty status
                    if (tmp1)
                            // If any error exist
            if ((tmp == UART_IIR_INTID_RDA))        // Receive Data Available or Character time-out
                    rxdata = UART_ReceiveByte(DISPLAY_PORT_UART) | 0x100;   // Really COOL concept. Check READ ME!! - Section: Reference Files - Using Mail Box.
                    if (isr_mbx_check (&MailDisplay) != 0)
                            isr_mbx_send(&MailDisplay, (void *)rxdata);
            if (tmp == UART_IIR_INTID_THRE)         // Transmit Holding Empty
                    txdata = *(DISPLAY_PORT_TXBUF+cnt);
                    UART_SendByte(DISPLAY_PORT_UART, txdata);
    __task void TASK_RxComPort(void)
            uint8_t sofflg=0, crflg=0;
            uint8_t rxlrc=0;
            uint16_t bufcntr=0;
            uint32_t data=0;
            void *prx;
                    os_mbx_wait(&MailComPort, &prx, 0xFFFF);
                    data = (uint32_t)prx & 0x00FF;
                    //... Process received data
