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8051 Interrupt Vector Location

The interrupt vector is always stored in the 0003H code memory. Is it possible to store it in another location ?

Thank You

  • The interrupt vector is always stored in the 0003H code memory. Is it possible to store it in another location ?

    the hardware will start executing whatever code is at address 03h for NOT "The interrupt vector", BUT "the vector for EI0".

    Keil has some fancy tapdancing code for the eval versions that will store something (CALL or JMP) in the locations that the hardware accesses that then call or jump to another location, but the interrupt is still initiated at the location specified by the hardware.


  • The interrupt vector is always stored in the 0003H code memory. Is it possible to store it in another location ?

    the hardware will start executing whatever code is at address 03h for NOT "The interrupt vector", BUT "the vector for EI0".

    Keil has some fancy tapdancing code for the eval versions that will store something (CALL or JMP) in the locations that the hardware accesses that then call or jump to another location, but the interrupt is still initiated at the location specified by the hardware.

