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CMSIS DSP FIR filter for continous real signal


DSP concept guys say, that it's time to use ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers for embedded DSP systems, so I looked at CMSIS library of filtering functions, and found that it is of block type.

As you know, the most painful feature of ARM Cortex-M architecture is the lack of circular buffer addressing mode.

I cannot find an example of this functions application for continuous, real-time signal, because, as I guess, there is a big problem of input samples block gathering in a structure compatible with CMSIS FIR function. This should be done by a DMA controller, as we don't want to loose core clock, and this task is not easy. CMSIS FIR functions has internal state buffer which length equals to block_size+numOfTaps-1.

The function in multiple steps (=block_size/4)  makes 4 samples copy from input buffer to state buffer (using core !!!), but after that, before next input block filtering the last numOfTaps-1 samples in state buffer must be moved to the beginning of this buffer.

It looks bad.

Maybe someone of you solved this problem and used this function in a real-time so, please, write me about that.

Kind regards

Roman Rumian

  • Hi Roman,

    The CMSIS DSP FIR functions are designed for block-based operation with real-time signals.  The function accepts pointers to a buffer of input samples and generates a buffer of output samples.  You are right that the Cortex-M lacks circularly addressing.  To mitigate this issue the function was written to use a FIFO rather than a circular buffer.  Once per block, the data in the FIFO is shifted by blockSize samples.  This requires that we read and write N words where N is the length of the filter.  The overhead is roughly N/blockSize operations per sample.  The function does all of the shifting of the FIFO data and accepts a continuous stream of input blocks.


  • Hi Roman,

    The CMSIS DSP FIR functions are designed for block-based operation with real-time signals.  The function accepts pointers to a buffer of input samples and generates a buffer of output samples.  You are right that the Cortex-M lacks circularly addressing.  To mitigate this issue the function was written to use a FIFO rather than a circular buffer.  Once per block, the data in the FIFO is shifted by blockSize samples.  This requires that we read and write N words where N is the length of the filter.  The overhead is roughly N/blockSize operations per sample.  The function does all of the shifting of the FIFO data and accepts a continuous stream of input blocks.

