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Hello World error - "Simulation code-translation cache failed to gain DMI"


I started using Development Studio. I created a Hello World, and compiled it. Than I created a launch configuration, just very simple per this tutorial:

However, I get a warnings "Simulation code-translation cache failed to gain DMI":

terminal_0: Listening for serial connection on port 5000
terminal_1: Listening for serial connection on port 5001
terminal_2: Listening for serial connection on port 5002
terminal_3: Listening for serial connection on port 5003
CADI server started listening to port 7000

Info: FVP_VE_Cortex_A9x1: CADI Debug Server started for ARM Models...
cadi server is reported on port 7000
ARM Core Model: WARNING - Simulation code-translation cache failed to gain DMI for PC=0x0000801c. Simulation performance will be reduced.
ARM Core Model: WARNING - Simulation code-translation cache failed to gain DMI for PC=0x0000801c (PA = s_-0000801c. Simulation performance will be reduced.

After this everything just stands still at first line of main(), and whatever I try - nothing happens. I can't F8 Continue, nor Step, etc. 

All windows are also empty, like Disassembly, etc. 

What could be wrong? 

I also first tried to do my own more complicated app, but I got completely the same behavior. That's why I went back to simple HelloWorld, but it didn't help.  

The Command windows shows this: 

Connected to stopped target Arm FVP (Installed with Arm DS) - VE_Cortex_A9x1
cd "C:\Users\D\Development Studio Workspace"
Working directory "C:\Users\D\Development Studio Workspace"
loadfile "C:\Users\D\Development Studio Workspace\t3\Debug\t3.axf"
Execution stopped in SVC mode at S:0x00000000
S:0x00000000 DCI 0xe7ff0010 ; ? Undefined
Loaded section ER_RO: S:0x00008000 ~ S:0x000092E7 (size 0x12E8)
Loaded section ER_RW: S:0x000092E8 ~ S:0x000092F7 (size 0x10)
Entry point S:0x00008000
Semihosting server socket created at port 8000
Semihosting enabled automatically due to semihosting symbol detected in image 't3.axf'
set debug-from main
Starting target with image C:\Users\Danijel\Development Studio Workspace\t3\Debug\t3.axf
Running from entry point