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what library used on arm gcc none eabi ?

1. Does arm-gcc-none-eabi and newlib is packed?

2. Why arm-gcc-none-eabi need glibc 2.14?

I have a problem when I use arm gcc none eabi cross compiler.

"version GLIBC_2.14 not found"

Then I install glibc 2.14 and add to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. It's perfect compile my code.

But I have not download newlib in my system.

I don't know what library is linked on arm-gcc-none-eabi.

Do I need add some option to use newlib when I Compile C code? Or default is linked to newlib.

This web site said arm-gcc-none-eabi is based on Free Software Foundation's (FSF) GNU Open source tools and newlib.

  • Dear sir,

    Can you let us know which toolchain you've used what are the commands you were issuing (e.g. how you compiled your "hello world").

    Glibc 2.14 is required by your host system so that host tollchain binary can work with it.
    Newlib is what you've gonna get compiled / linked with your target binary when you compile your target code.

    So there are two things here, host requirements for your Linux machine you are using to compiler (where you run arm-none-eabi binary). And what is going to be mixed in your target (destination) binary (which is going to be newlib).

    Kind regards

  • Dear sir,

    Can you let us know which toolchain you've used what are the commands you were issuing (e.g. how you compiled your "hello world").

    Glibc 2.14 is required by your host system so that host tollchain binary can work with it.
    Newlib is what you've gonna get compiled / linked with your target binary when you compile your target code.

    So there are two things here, host requirements for your Linux machine you are using to compiler (where you run arm-none-eabi binary). And what is going to be mixed in your target (destination) binary (which is going to be newlib).

    Kind regards
