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gnu GCC option to enforce 8-byte stack alignment (necessary for R52)?


ARM support and R52 TRM have indicated that the R52 core requires maintaining an 8-byte aligned Stack (meaning compiler shall always push/pop registers in even numbers), and I see in my current setup the GNU GCC compiler is not adhering to that requirement. Subsequently in my core simulations I see R52 erroneous behavior if the stack is not maintained as such, especially if only a single register is pushed/popped for a function.

Am I missing some GNU GCC option to force 8-byte stack alignment? Also since ARM support stated this was a necessary requirement, shouldn't that be automatically implemented in the -mtune=cortex-r52 options?

My current setup is using ARM recommended version gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update (according to the GNU toolchain developer website)

(I have also tested the version gcc-arm-none-eabi-10-2020-q2-preview, still seeing same problems)

My GCC command has the following options:

gcc-arm-none-eabi-10-2020-q2-preview/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc -march=armv8-r -mfpu=neon-fp-armv8 -mtune=cortex-r52 -marm -c -g -O3 -fno-inline -fno-strict-aliasing -DGCC -falign-functions=16 -falign-jumps=8 -falign-loops=8 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops -mapcs-frame -DITERATIONS=20 -save-temps -DCR52 -Werror -Wall -Dcr52 -DCORE_0 -std=c99 -o alive_CORE_0.o -c alive.c

From above example, my compile results in the following odd-number of registers pushed onto stack: (see snippet from .lst file)

int main (void) {
2a980: e92dd810 push {r4, fp, ip, lr, pc}   <<<=== ODD NUMBER OF REGISTER IN PUSH INSTRUCTION:

NOTE: the problem also occurs if I use -mthumb mode.

Other notes: I added the -fno-inline as according to an internal verification decision that we want to avoid the code in-lining optimization. Additionally I added the -mapcs-frame in an attempt to fix this issue, and this option seems to make the problem a lot better, but doesn't completely fix the problem.

Or is this a GNU GCC bug for the -mtune=cortex-r52 set of tuning options?

Thanks in advance for any help.

  • and R52 TRM have indicated that the R52 core requires maintaining an 8-byte aligned Stack

    I wasn't able to find any content inside the TRM amounting to this requirement. Could you please point out the location?

    meaning compiler shall always push/pop registers in even numbers

    If the requirement about the 8-byte alignment refers to the ABI defined by aapcs32, then the ABI enforces 4-byte alignment at all times, with the additional restriction of 8-byte alignment at public interfaces.

    For e.g. the code here is compiled to include these instructions:

            push    {r4, r5, r6, fp, ip, lr, pc}
            sub     fp, ip, #4
            sub     sp, sp, #52

    Assuming that that sp is 8-byte aligned at the entry of the function, pushing 7 registers causes sp to be misaligned, but the subsequent adjustment to sp, by subtracting 52, again aligns sp back to an 8-byte boundary, all before the call to an external routine, printf.

    While the stack is misaligned (i.e. isn't on an 8-byte boundary), and an exception/interrupt arrives, if the handler uses this same sp register, and if the handler expects it to be an 8-byte aligned, that could be a problem, but I am guessing that this situation too must have already been handled either in the ABI or in the way the handlers are written, or in the way sp register is chosen/banked and setup.

  • and R52 TRM have indicated that the R52 core requires maintaining an 8-byte aligned Stack

    I wasn't able to find any content inside the TRM amounting to this requirement. Could you please point out the location?

    meaning compiler shall always push/pop registers in even numbers

    If the requirement about the 8-byte alignment refers to the ABI defined by aapcs32, then the ABI enforces 4-byte alignment at all times, with the additional restriction of 8-byte alignment at public interfaces.

    For e.g. the code here is compiled to include these instructions:

            push    {r4, r5, r6, fp, ip, lr, pc}
            sub     fp, ip, #4
            sub     sp, sp, #52

    Assuming that that sp is 8-byte aligned at the entry of the function, pushing 7 registers causes sp to be misaligned, but the subsequent adjustment to sp, by subtracting 52, again aligns sp back to an 8-byte boundary, all before the call to an external routine, printf.

    While the stack is misaligned (i.e. isn't on an 8-byte boundary), and an exception/interrupt arrives, if the handler uses this same sp register, and if the handler expects it to be an 8-byte aligned, that could be a problem, but I am guessing that this situation too must have already been handled either in the ABI or in the way the handlers are written, or in the way sp register is chosen/banked and setup.

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