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Arm MPS2+ Cortex-M3 DesignStart Eval Package

I am trying use pre build image from /Processors/Cortex Family/Cortex-M/Cortex-M3 DesignStart Eval (

trying make AN511 work, but I am getting following error , any one managed to port Cortex M3 design start ???

ARM V2M-MPS2 CMSIS-DAP Firmware v2.1.7
Build Date: Aug 19 2015

MotherBoard Revision C Variant A
MotherBoard Serial Number 0283100101-0095

ARM V2M Boot Loader v1.0.0

Switching on main power...

Configuring motherboard (rev C, var A)...

Reading Board File \MB\HBI0263C\AN511\an511_v1.txt

Configuring FPGA from file \MB\HBI0263C\AN511\an511_v1.rbe

ERROR: FPGA did not configure.

Failed to program FPGA...

  • Hello,

    I did a quick test, and this worked for me without issue. Comparing my log.txt file to the above, it looks generally the same, other than I have a newer boot loader. Not sure that this would make a difference.

    May I suggest you download the from the below, which contains this (and other) images. Completely clear the memory on the MPS2+, and copy the contents of the //boards/Recovery folder to the board. Edit //MB/HBI0263/board.txt to ensure that AN511 is uncommented (and that others are), and reboot.

  • Hello,

    I did a quick test, and this worked for me without issue. Comparing my log.txt file to the above, it looks generally the same, other than I have a newer boot loader. Not sure that this would make a difference.

    May I suggest you download the from the below, which contains this (and other) images. Completely clear the memory on the MPS2+, and copy the contents of the //boards/Recovery folder to the board. Edit //MB/HBI0263/board.txt to ensure that AN511 is uncommented (and that others are), and reboot.
