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Texture filter settings for specific draw call in Graphics Analyzer

I'm trying to find out which which filtering settings are being used on a texture in a specific draw call. As far as I can tell Samplers aren't being used by the engine as I can see any samplers listed.

My main problem is that I don't know of a way to first locate the draw call I'm interested in and from there the texture - we have quite a few textures.

Is there a way to "navigate" to a draw call similar to RenderDoc showing you what is being drawn by each draw call, or equivalent?

  • Hi JPJ, 

    The first step here is making a capture with screenshots enabled so you get some context. While capturing use the camera button in the title bar to trigger per-draw screenshots. Unlike RenderDoc we don't do any replays after-the-fact - so what you get at capture time is all the tool can present.

    If you tick the "Show Only Frames with Features Enabled" tickbox, the navigation will filter to just frames with some flavor of screenshots captured.

    You can then step though draw calls, using the Framebuffer preview to see what is being drawn. 

    For the second part of your question, finding filtering settings, today it's a little clunky, sorry. In the assets view you can expand either the "Textures" or "Texture Units" tree nodes until you find the texture you are interested in, and then expand the "Properties" tab. This will list all of the states associated with that texture.


  • Hi JPJ, 

    The first step here is making a capture with screenshots enabled so you get some context. While capturing use the camera button in the title bar to trigger per-draw screenshots. Unlike RenderDoc we don't do any replays after-the-fact - so what you get at capture time is all the tool can present.

    If you tick the "Show Only Frames with Features Enabled" tickbox, the navigation will filter to just frames with some flavor of screenshots captured.

    You can then step though draw calls, using the Framebuffer preview to see what is being drawn. 

    For the second part of your question, finding filtering settings, today it's a little clunky, sorry. In the assets view you can expand either the "Textures" or "Texture Units" tree nodes until you find the texture you are interested in, and then expand the "Properties" tab. This will list all of the states associated with that texture.

