httpd web server on stm32f407vg

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
                    #include "main.h"
                    #include "lwip.h"

                    /* Private includes ----------------------------------------------------------*/
                    /* USER CODE BEGIN Includes */

                    #include "lwip/apps/httpd.h"

                    /* USER CODE END Includes */

                    /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
                    /* USER CODE BEGIN PTD */

                    /* USER CODE END PTD */

                    /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
                    /* USER CODE BEGIN PD */
                    /* USER CODE END PD */

                    /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
                    /* USER CODE BEGIN PM */

                    /* USER CODE END PM */

                    /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/

                    UART_HandleTypeDef huart3;

                    PCD_HandleTypeDef hpcd_USB_OTG_FS;

                    /* USER CODE BEGIN PV */

                    /* USER CODE END PV */

                    /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
                    void SystemClock_Config(void);
                    static void MX_GPIO_Init(void);
                    static void MX_USART3_UART_Init(void);
                    static void MX_USB_OTG_FS_PCD_Init(void);
                    /* USER CODE BEGIN PFP */

                    /* USER CODE END PFP */

                    /* Private user code ---------------------------------------------------------*/
                    /* USER CODE BEGIN 0 */

                    /* USER CODE END 0 */

                    * @brief  The application entry point.
                    * @retval int
                    int main(void) {
                        /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */

                        /* USER CODE END 1 */

                        /* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/

                        /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */

                        /* USER CODE BEGIN Init */

                        /* USER CODE END Init */

                        /* Configure the system clock */

                        /* USER CODE BEGIN SysInit */

                        /* USER CODE END SysInit */

                        /* Initialize all configured peripherals */
                        /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */

                        // initializing the HTTPd

                        /* USER CODE END 2 */

                        /* Infinite loop */
                        /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */
                        while (1) {

                            // starting the LWIP process
                            /* USER CODE END WHILE */

                            /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */
                        /* USER CODE END 3 */

I want to display a static Html page.
I have generated fsdata_custom.c using makefsdata utility.
I am using USB to connect stm32f4(stm32f4 connected to the stm32 expansion board having an ethernet port) to PC. Also, ethernet cable connected to stm32f4 and PC. I am using stmcubeide.
I have uploaded the code on board but the webpage is not displayed. Unable to access the webpage. The IP address refuses to connect.
DHCP is enabled. Ping shows the network is reachable.
I can't figure out where is the issue? Is there any configuration left?