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Problems with stack pointer when i use my bootloader


I'm tring to make a bootloader to update my project firmware for a GD32E103 (cortex-M4).

Seems i can load the code for my main application without problem, after that when i reset the target and noting happens, after 2 day of reading some books and serching on the forum i just stay lock on the same problem.

This is my booting code:

if(REG32(0x0800FFF0) == 0x89ABCDEF)		//Set if after read last message from HEX file 
	//Disables SysTick timer and its related interrupt
	SysTick->CTRL = 0x00; 
	//Disable IRQ
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i ++) // Disable IRQs
		{ NVIC->ICER[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF; }
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i ++) // Clear pending IRQs
		{ NVIC->ICPR[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF; }
	//Set the MSP
	__set_MSP(*((volatile uint32_t*) USER_APPLICATION_BASE_ADDRESS)); 
	__DMB(); //DMB instruction before relocating VTOR
	SCB->VTOR = 0x08002800;	//We relocate vector table to the sector 1
	__DSB(); //DSB instruction after relocating VTOR
	//Jump to main firmware
	JumpAddress = *((volatile uint32_t*) (USER_APPLICATION_BASE_ADDRESS + 4));
	void (*reset_handler)(void) = (void*)JumpAddress;
	reset_handler(); //We start the execution from he Reset_Handler of the main firmware
		{;}//Never coming here

This is the configuration from my main programm(left) and bootloader (rigth) 


  • Updating.

    Seems the code posted on the top post works, i tried a blinking a led just coding on main function and that works.

    Now i think the problem is on the timers IRQ's, as you can see on the on the NVIC registers, they need to be attend.

    I will come back with more if i found the problem

  • Updating.

    Seems the code posted on the top post works, i tried a blinking a led just coding on main function and that works.

    Now i think the problem is on the timers IRQ's, as you can see on the on the NVIC registers, they need to be attend.

    I will come back with more if i found the problem

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