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Transition from EL3 to EL1 on A53

I have a standalone app running at EL3 in OCM on an A53 processor. The code boots from flash. I load an elf image into RAM and need to transition to its entry point running at EL1.

I try and make the transition via the following code:

* @file asm_switch_to_EL1.s
* This file contains the code tat switches from EL3 to EL1 for the Cortex A53 processor
* <pre>
* Ver   Who     Date     Changes
* ----- ------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------
* 1.00	kcm	11/26/19 Initial version
* </pre>
* @note
* None.

.globl switch_to_EL1

// ***************************************

// SCTLR_EL1, System Control Register (EL1), Page 2654 of AArch64-Reference-Manual.

// ***************************************

#define SCTLR_RESERVED                  (3 << 28) | (3 << 22) | (1 << 20) | (1 << 11)

#define SCTLR_EE_LITTLE_ENDIAN          (0 << 25)

#define SCTLR_EOE_LITTLE_ENDIAN         (0 << 24)

#define SCTLR_I_CACHE_DISABLED          (0 << 12)

#define SCTLR_D_CACHE_DISABLED          (0 << 2)

#define SCTLR_MMU_DISABLED              (0 << 0)

#define SCTLR_MMU_ENABLED               (1 << 0)


// ***************************************

// HCR_EL2, Hypervisor Configuration Register (EL2), Page 2487 of AArch64-Reference-Manual.

// ***************************************

#define HCR_RW	    			(1 << 31)

#define HCR_VALUE			HCR_RW

// ***************************************

// SCR_EL3, Secure Configuration Register (EL3), Page 2648 of AArch64-Reference-Manual.

// ***************************************

#define SCR_RESERVED	    		(3 << 4)

#define SCR_RW				(1 << 10)

#define SCR_NS				(1 << 0)

#define SCR_VALUE	    	    	(SCR_RESERVED | SCR_RW | SCR_NS)

// ***************************************

// SPSR_EL3, Saved Program Status Register (EL3) Page 389 of AArch64-Reference-Manual.

// ***************************************

#define SPSR_MASK_ALL 			(7 << 6)

#define SPSR_EL1h			(5 << 0)



    msr    sctlr_el1, x1

    ldr    x1, =HCR_VALUE
    msr    hcr_el2, x1

    ldr    x1, =SCR_VALUE
    msr    scr_el3, x1

    ldr    x1, =SPSR_VALUE
    msr    spsr_el3, x1

    msr    elr_el3, x0



If I try and debug this using the JTAG debugger on a Xylinx ZCU111 module, the debugger seems to get lost when I try and execute the ERET instruction.

I have discussed this with a Xylinx engineer and he suggested I post to this forum.

He also suggested I 

My guess is that might need to setup the vbar_el1 register since I am returning from an exception.

Any thoughts or help on this would be appreciated.

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