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FastModel 仿真Cortex-M3启动失败

Starting process with command line: /root/ARM/work/ARM/FastModelsPortfolio_11.10/examples/LISA/FVP_MPS2/Build_Cortex-M3/Linux64-Release-GCC-7.3/isim_system -aarmcortexm3ct=../linux-system-semi.axf -C armcortexm3ct.semihosting-cmd_line="--kernel ../Image --dtb ../mps2-an385.dtb -- console=ttyAMA3,38400n8 -- earlyprintk rdinit=/bin/sh"
telnetterminal1: Listening for serial connection on port 5000
telnetterminal0: Listening for serial connection on port 5001
telnetterminal2: Listening for serial connection on port 5002
Warning: Failed to write bytes at address range [0xF0000000..0xF0003D4B] when loading image "../linux-system-semi.axf".
Warning: Failed to write bytes at address range [0xF0003D4C..0xF0004DB7] when loading image "../linux-system-semi.axf".
